Hello, loves! How are you? I hope that you're doing great. I so missed blogging! This will be my very first post for 2016 and it's already halfway through the month when it just started! Oh, my time flies so fast! oh well, life's too short so I guess it's time for us to be a bit adventurous in life, speaking of being adventurous, this 2016 I am trying to be more adventurous when it comes to my hair style. I already tried ombre, bleaching and curling my hair and turned out to damage it so Hair extensions are the answer to my problem! It's very easy and convenient to use without damaging my real locks. And I'm so thankful that Irresistible Me has contacted me and sent me their hair extensions to try it out and make a review for them. I'm so excited because it's my first time to try using a hair extension.